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Doug Fetherling - Signed


Doug Fetherling - Signed


Doug Fetherling - Signed


Title: Variorum: New Poems and Old, 1965-1985
Author: Doug Fetherling
Publisher: Hounslow Press, Toronto: 1985
Description: 60 pp. Octavo. Softcover. Signed in ink by Fetherling on title page.

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Douglas George Fetherling, poet, writer, editor, scholar, and visual artist, was born in West Virginia, USA, on January 1st, 1949. Fetherling, a successful and widely published man of letters, moved to Canada when he was 18 years old. He published under the name Douglas (Doug) Fetherling until 1999, and thereafter under the name George Fetherling, in honour of his late father. Fetherling is an important creator and critic of Canadian art, both literary and visual.